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What do you do after the wedding?

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What do you do after the wedding? photo

So I’m engaged, and I’m getting all sorts of advice about the wedding. The advice includes:

The food is most important!
The band or D.J. has to be excellent.
Don’t feel like you need to invite anyone you don’t want to be there!
And much, much more.

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m not so into being a bride or the mandates that go with it. But I have succumbed to tradition and will spend much of the next several months of my life helping to plan one wedding in Israel and one reception in South Bend.

Now I’m not complaining. I feel very lucky to have found love and count my blessings every day. I’m also marrying an extraordinary man who reminds me when I’m stressed out that the wedding isn’t really important, what’s important is that we love each other and want to get married.

But then I started thinking, how the hell does marriage work? While people have not held back their views on wedding cake or my dress, no one really talks about marriage after the wedding.

I started asking for advice via Facebook and my blog and I’ve gotten some really incredible answers (50 so far!) that I will share with you before the big day in March. They have mostly been incredibly thoughtful— especially from the husbands.

But for now, I’m still gathering wisdom.

So tell me (anonymously, if you want), what advice, based on your personal experience, would you give to ensure a happy marriage? Please include how old are you and how long have you been married.

And thank you in advance for helping me write my March blog post and for giving me advice.

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