List-style posts that tap into our collective Jewish consciousness and offer advice and insight into Jewish young adult life in Chicago.
What and where are the places you run into Jews you know? The question sounds easy enough. You’ve probably already listed five places while reading this sentence.

From Jewish food-ogling to glorious shots of Israel to Jewish food-ogling in Israel, Instagram is a Jew-ish paradise (or deep and dangerous rabbit hole). Here are my favorite users to follow.

We asked all of our new mommy and daddy friends what all new Jewish parents should know. And while they can’t prevent diaper blowouts, spit up stains, or sleepless nights, their advice might just make your crazy journey into parenthood a little bit easier.

Oy! You haven’t written your online dating profile yet? As bubbe would say, “You’re not getting any younger, sweetheart!” This is before the requisite cheek-pinch, of course, and a nice chat about “your figure.”
Star Wars is kind of its own religion, so at times you might find your Jewish practice conflicts with your nerdy-ness, such as on Friday, when
The Force Awakens comes out and continues the story of our people--err--of Star Wars. Here are 18 ways you can bring the Force into your Shabbat.

There are Jewish kids who go to camp, and those who don’t. This list is for those in the former group; latter group, we don’t expect you to understand. And of course we used plenty of Wet Hot American Summer pics, because that’s the only movie that understands you.

When new Emojis rolled out for the iPhone last month (including the
Israeli flag!), we got to thinking – there aren’t enough Emojis for Jews. Be it
for the multitude of holiday greetings or just texting with your mother, a
visual aid would make your conversation that much easier.

Passover is almost here,
which means Jews everywhere are about to embark on their annual
religiously mandated Atkins diet. We know parting with sweet, sweet
gluten for eight
days can lead to agonizing, salad-filled melancholy – especially
in a foodie city like Chicago – so now is the time to load up, friends.
Your bar/bat mitzvah was the best of times and the worst of times – and definitely the most embarrassing of times. But not when you were 12 or 13. Back then, it was the totally most awesome of times – awkward body issues aside.

This time of year, the only thing going around the Jewish community more than influenza and greasy
latke smell is Christmas envy. It’s okay – Christmas is pretty cool. Just ask your friends who grew up with both Jewish and Christian family members. This post goes out to all of us pulling double duty (and double the presents!) this Holiday Season.

Every year on the High Holidays, we think about what we can do to be better people in the year ahead. Well, change is like, hard, especially the self-improvement kind. So, we thought maybe it’s a bit more realistic to ask ourselves “how can I be less of a terrible person?”
Not that we have anything against highs in the mid-70s, but as the
calendar inches closer and closer to September (seriously, WHAT??), it’s kinda
hard to believe that was it for summer this year. It’s been a joy
pretending to live in northern California, but it’s time to face the truth,
Oy!sters: fall and 5775 are fast-approaching, and with them sweaters, boots,
and (even) cooler temps. We can practically taste the pumpkin spice lattes already.

Shopaholics, rejoice! In case you haven’t heard, Amazon recently launched an awesome charity initiative that will totally justify all those unnecessary late-night impulse buys. Just select your charity of choice (like, say, JUF) at and Amazon will donate 0.5 percent of all qualified online purchases to your designated beneficiary.

Are you a Meredith Grey seeking a Cristina Yang? A Nick Miller seeking a Schmidt? A Will seeking a Grace? We know how it is.