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Bad Advice

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There is no shortage of bad training advice online. I see it all the time: some writer jots down the best moves for torching fat and one of those moves is a bicep curl. I’m not against the bicep curl, but the bicep is a small muscle, and if you’re only listing the four “best” moves, I would not include the bicep curl.

Like selecting a trainer, you need to be picky with what advice you follow online. Many of the self-proclaimed experts are excellent writers, but not trainers. Distinguishing between good and bad advice can be tricky; I’ve been fooled a few times. The best advice I can offer you? Check the source. Review their background, other articles they’ve written, and when all else fails – ask a trainer friend.

A few of my favorite resources are listed below. I want to warn you, however: I do not agree with 100 percent of what they say. These guys are pretty hardcore. When I steal ideas from them, I usually adapt the workout to make it easier.

Ben Greenfield - I listen to his podcast because it’s entertaining and his advice is really interesting. I will never follow all his suggestions because many ideas, such as buying a squatty potty and bathing in a cold lake, are a little too out there, even for me. I do though enjoy learning about the benefits of bone broth and cold showers, however. http://www.bengreenfieldfitness.com

Eric Cressey - I receive Eric’s email newsletter. I also have a few of his videos. I like his approach to an active warm up. I also like how he analyzes exercises. If you are interested in seeing examples of how to warm up and other functional exercises, check out his site http://www.ericcressey.com and look at his videos.

Mike Boyle - I’ve seen Mike speak a few times and really like his approach, he’s a straight shooter. He says from experience what has and has not worked. He trains hockey and baseball players. He worked with the Boston Red Sox when they recently won the World Series. He then promptly quit because he missed training his “kids.” The best way to check him out is through his podcast, called the Strength Coach Podcast.  There is also a lot of information available on his site: http://www.bodybyboyle.com 

Gray Institute - The sound quality of their workout DVDs might not be the best, but it’s a great workout that gets you moving in a lot of directions. I’ve taken classes and purchased videos from the Gray Institute. The workout videos have great content, the technical videos for trainers are very technical: http://www.grayinstitute.com 

Dave Schmitz - I saved the best for last. Dave, a.k.a. “the band man,” has an amazing video library collection on YouTube. All the above listed names also have video channels. What’s different about Dave, however, is all his workouts are with bands you can get on his site. The workouts are easy to follow and fun. I started watching them for my bootcamps, but all of my home workouts include band work. Check it out: http://resistancebandtraining.com

Do you have a favorite fitness resource? If so please send it my way!

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