Double Chai in the Chi
Rob Simon Portrait
Rob Simon Thumbnail

Rob Simon

Young adult leaders in the Jewish community come and go, but Rob Simon has been a staple. A member of the board of JUF's Young Leadership Division for the past five years, Rob has played a significant role in helping to grow and develop YLD's successful LEADS program, connecting young Chicago Jews and inspiring them to take leadership roles within the community. In addition to his YLD involvement, Rob can also be found singing at Am Yisrael Congregation with his uncle, the cantor, during the High Holidays, hanging out at one of the regular informal Jewish music gatherings he organizes on the city's North Side, or eating lox and bagels.

Professionally, Rob is a top salesman at CDW, where he frequently mentors younger employees and leads his nonprofits division.



Primary gig:

Executive Account Manager at CDW

On the side:

Singer and piano player (I can be seen performing in the Chinese Restaurant Circuit of Chicago). Huge Chicago sports fan.

Relationship status:


Describe yourself in 10 words or less:

Passionate, Genuine, Humorous, Motivated, Fun, Engaging, and Compassionate.

Celebrity doppelganger/who would play you in a movie:

Kevin Hart

If time and money were limitless, I would:

Own the Chicago Bulls and sign myself to the active roster, donate my time and money to those in need, and travel as much as possible.