Double Chai in the Chi
Rebecca Frazin Portrait
Rebecca Frazin Thumbnail

Rebecca Frazin

Helping the hungry has long been a part of Rebecca Frazin's calling. Growing up, she made and distributed lunches at a shelter with her synagogue and volunteered regularly at Inspiration Cafe and JUF's Uptown Cafe. Today, she is a force in Springfield on issues of food security. She once submitted a resolution (that passed) encouraging innovative responses to hunger for children. 

Rebecca honed her lobbying and advocacy skills working in JUF's Washington, D.C. office and for former Rep. Brad Schneider before joining the Greater Chicago Food Depository, where she also volunteers on her own time. Additionally, Rebecca serves on Keshet's Young Leadership Board and the Center for Jewish Genetics' Young Professionals Board.

Rebecca attributes her penchant for social action to her family and their deep involvement at Congregation BJBE in Deerfield. She is also a fierce advocate of the Chicago Blackhawks.



Primary gig:

Government Affairs Manager, Greater Chicago Food Depository (a lobbyist but not the House of Cards kind!)

On the side:

Diehard Blackhawks fan (We got the Cup!), wannabe foodie, avid reality TV show watcher, political junkie, fantasy football champ

Relationship status:

Newlywed (as of 12/13/14!)

How do you give back?

I come from a family of giving back so I give back in many ways. Whether it be attending JUF or Keshet functions or feeding people that are homeless. I am lucky that I have parents that have instilled in my values of giving back being more important than pretty much everything else in your life. I think this has not only rubbed off on me in where I donate my money but also in my day job!

Describe yourself in 10 words or less:

Friend to all, thoughtful of others, laughs at myself, sports-enthusiast

How do you Jew in Chicago?

This is the hardest question for me. I think I Jew in Chicago every day since I have grown up with Jewish values being part of my everyday life. I’ll be honest, if you had asked me 10 years ago how I Jew it was spending every waking minute at my synagogue youth group – I was the coolest kid around being the president of my youth group. Now I don’t find myself feeling the need to be central in all Jewish life to feel Jewish. I Jew in Chicago with my tzedakah and tikkun olam. Most importantly, I Jew in Chicago by making sure I spend time with my family. I think the most important thing for me is finding time with my family or my husband’s family.