Double Chai in the Chi
Seth Gruen Portrait
Seth Gruen Thumbnail

Seth Gruen

The NBA Finals, the NCAA Final Four, the Little League World Series and multiple Big Ten football and basketball championships -- Seth Gruen has covered them all as a Chicago sports reporter. And you may have seen him on TV -- Seth makes regular appearances on the weekday sports talk show "SportsTalk Live" on Comcast SportsNet Chicago.

But while Seth might broadcast his thoughts and reactions to college and professional sports, he quietly -- without needing recognition -- gives back to community. He serves as president of the Community Service, Education and Legislation team on the Young Leaders Board of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center's Campaign to Save Lives for the Leukemia Translational Research Program. He also stays connected to Camp Ramah in Wisconsin, where he was a camper for five summers and a counselor for two.



Primary gig:

Sports writer/personality

Relationship status:


Something most people don’t know about me:

While at Camp Ramah, I chose to be the CIT for Tikvah, a group of children with special needs.

How do you Jew in Chicago?

I regularly attend YLD events and Camp Ramah alumni events. I also observe the Jewish holidays.

Chicago's Jewish community in 10 years:

Integral in lobbying for and influencing issues pertaining to Israel’s sustainability and growth.