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Shayla Rosen

What’s the best thing to do after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis? Throw a party, of course. At least, that was Shayla Rosen’s response. Rather than let the news of her condition hold her back, in 2009 Shayla launched the now-annual “Soiree for Success: A Fundraiser to Fight MS,” which has raised over $100,000 to date to raise awareness and fund research initiatives.  

“Shayla does not let her condition define her,” said Courtney Anixter, Shayla’s friend, who nominated her for Double Chai in the Chi. “She defies all obstacles in her way.”  

In addition to the “Soiree for Success,” Shayla is also an active member of JUF’s Young Leadership Division board, where she has served on various committees and even chaired a trip to Israel. By day, she makes a difference in the lives of countless first grade students as a teacher at Oriole Park School.  

“Shayla constantly devises new ways to make an impact, big or small, on our world,” Anixter added. “She is a teacher both in and out of the classroom.”


Primary gig:
First grade teacher at Oriole Park School

On the side:
I take as many workout classes as possible, travel, read, watch Netflix, spend time with friends and family (especially my niece and nephew)

Relationship status:

How do you give back?
In 2009, I developed Soiree for Success: A Fundraiser to Fight MS to raise awareness and fund research initiatives for Multiple Sclerosis. This is now an annual event attended by 300 young adults in the city. Over the past five years, Soiree for Success has collectively raised over $100,000 for a cause that is extremely important to me.

Describe yourself in 10 words or less:
Energetic, organized, responsible, busy, passionate, and occasionally spontaneous

Celebrity doppelganger or Who would you play in a movie:
Kate Hudson

How do you Jew in Chicago?
I have been Jewing since 1978, but have only been Jewing in Chicago since 2001. In 2011, I participated in the YLD Israel trip. This experience opened the door for me to get more involved in the Jewish community. I have made many friends that I can now Jew it up with! I have thoroughly enjoyed all YLD has to offer from volunteer opportunities, bar events, LEADS, Gesher and missions, to the Big Event.

Family, friends, and giving back

If time and money were limitless, I would:
Create my own foundation for Multiple Sclerosis and give more to the Jewish Community. I would also travel as much as possible.

Chicago's Jewish community in 10 years:
Chicago's Jewish community continues to blow me away with its commitment to serving the local and global community. I see Chicago continuing to excel over the next ten years. I will always be a proud member of the Chicago Jewish community.

Me in 10 years:
I hope to continue to be involved helping and engaging the MS and Jewish community. I also hope to have a family and children.