2012 Double Chai in the Chi

See this year's 36 Under 36 list »


Ari Levy

For the average person, getting an MBA or a medical degree is enough of an accomplishment, but how about getting both? Meet Ari Levy, MD and MBA. After receiving his medical degree and a stint in private practice, Ari founded Engaged Health Solutions, which helps employers create and support a healthier, more productive workforce, while finishing up his MBA.  

Double Chai received several nominations for Ari, including one from an employee, and each spoke of the same theme: Ari cares deeply about the people in his life and the world we live in.

"Though Ari started his career in private practice, his goal had always been to positively influence the lives of others on a more global basis," said family friends Deb and Jeff Zaluda.  "With this goal in mind, he started Engaged Health Solutions (EHS), working with companies, communities and individuals to inspire engage and bring about transformation in the health and wellbeing of the people with whom he works."

And, did we mention he is the physician for the BlackHawks? Now that is pretty cool.

Ari Levy


Pays the bills:
Engaged Health Solutions.  But I wouldn't really say that I work, because to me, work implies that you are doing something that you have to do.  I'm lucky because I'm doing something that I want to do.  I love what I do, totally absorbed and addicted to EHS and helping others.

On the side:
Being a dad and playing with Gabrielle, fitness enthusiast, running along the lake, shabbat dinners.  Oh, and I have the fortune of working for the Chicago Blackhawks as one of their team doctors.  It is a ton of fun! 

Relationship status:

Describe yourself in 10 words or less:
Passionate, driven, caring father, husband, brother and son

Celebrity doppelganger:
Dominic Purcell or William Levy

How do you Jew in Chicago?
Shabbat dinners every Friday night at the Levy residence...front row ticket to the 'The Hez' (the nickname for my Israeli father, Hezi Levy).  It's an amazing Shabbat show, everyone has to experience it to believe it. 

My daughter, my wife, and my family first and foremost.  After that I am compelled to learn, push and grow, physically and mentally, so it leads to a bit of an unyielding, 'on the go' life.  I am passionate about helping people become resilient, live better and improve.

How do you give back?
I believe in giving of your heart, your time and your money.  I try and give back every day, at work, both seeing patients and running the business, in coaching and helping friends, by volunteering and finally by giving some Tzdakah to those in need. 

Fill in the blank: If time and money were limitless, I would:
I would help people who don’t have access to personalized healthcare and well-being support.

Chicago's Jewish community in 10 years:
I hope that we learn from the lessons of the leaders from our past, work to find solutions and come together as a cohesive group to help improve the future, not just within the Jewish community, but the city as well.

Me in 10 years:
Same as today, only I hope a little YOUNGER :)-, wiser, and better than I am today...