2012 Double Chai in the Chi
Lizzi Jill Honeyrose HeydemannLizzi Heydemann is the epitome of a young, Jewish leader who is making a difference in the lives of young Jews in Chicago. Described as "one of the most dynamic and cutting edge young rabbis in the country" by Brian Abrahams, a lay leader in one of her initiatives, Heydemann is the founder of Mishkan Chicago, a vibrant, spiritual community that uses an unconventional approach-including music jams and house parties-to unite young Jews of all affiliations. Inspired by her experiences in Israel and at a progressive minyan in Los Angeles, Heydemann has found a way to re-energize old traditions and make young people excited about Judaism. A motivated go-getter and do-gooder, Heydemann is also involved in a variety of national Jewish organizations, including Rabbis without Borders. "She is very cause-driven and will pitch-in on everything from hunger to homelessness to a Jewish event on ending violence against women," Abrahams said. "So … she might go from a large Chicago Federation event to a small meditation workshop to a Chicago Board of Rabbis session on prayer to a project to help the hungry and then finish the day with a percussion-infused Jewish music jam in her backyard." Name: Age: Pays the bills: On the side: Describe yourself in 10 words or less: Celebrity doppelganger: How do you Jew in Chicago? Passions: How do you give back? Fill in the blank: If time and money were limitless, I would: Chicago's Jewish community in 10 years: Me in 10 years: |