2012 Double Chai in the Chi

See this year's 36 Under 36 list »

Matt Matros

Matt Matros

If you’ve eaten at Protein Bar, then you already “know” Matt Matros. After losing 50 pounds, Matt took his life savings and opened up a restaurant that offers healthy, delicious, quinoa-based food to hungry Chicagoans. With five locations now open in Chicago and two soon to open in D.C., Protein Bar is quickly becoming a household name.

“Matt is a Jew you probably already know,” said Oy!Chicago blogger and personal trainer Ron Krit. “He’s quickly becoming a local success story and celebrity. He has been winning the hearts of diners, critics, and his growing staff. While investing every penny into Protein Bar, he gives his time to the JUF. Despite his busy schedule, he’s spoken at many JUF events and continues to make time to talk with staff.”

In addition to his spot on this list, Matt recently won the first James Tyree Emerging Business Leadership Award. The award goes to an individual that displays excellent leadership at work, in the community, and philanthropically.

Matt Matros


Pays the bills:
One Protein Bar-rito at a time

On the side:
Common Threads, Imerman Angels, triathlon

Relationship status:
Like everything in life - it's complicated

Celebrity doppelganger:
Matt Damon

How do you Jew in Chicago?
Trying to help the Jewish entrepreneurial community as much as possible

Entrepreneurship, healthy eating, Chicago's business community

How do you give back?
As an entrepreneur, I feel it’s my duty to cascade my knowledge and experiences down to other entrepreneurs who need my help.

Fill in the blank: If time and money were limitless, I would:
buy my mom a house, send my sister around the world, pay my niece’s way through college, then open Protein Bars with what's left

Chicago's Jewish community in 10 years:
Has an opportunity to be vibrant and exciting.